How To Be More Productive At Work
Around this time of the year when companies evaluate employee’s performance, it’s always good to remind our employees that it’s not about working late every day and taking work home. It’s not about replying to company emails at midnight and weekends are not to be spent working; instead they should be spent with family.
Practicing sports, joining clubs or groups, developing a
hobby and of course spending time with family is one the secrets from the most successful
business men. A time to relax, finding your own space to dedicate to yourself
gives peace and tranquility and allows you to go back to the office fresh to
start a new week.
And it’s not only weekends, those who practice some type of daily
activity tend to reduce blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases by strengthening
the heart muscle.
We know it’s harder to do than to say, that’s why we found
some useful tips given by Zach Cutler, CEO of the Cutler Group and published in
the Huffington Post.
- Maintain your boundaries.
- Eat healthier.
- Don't always socialize about the business.
- Keep a meditative side.
- Exercise.
Enjoy the weekend and start thinking about your wishes for
next year. Perhaps waking up earlier, exercising for a few hours and having a
healthy breakfast may clear your mind and make you considerably more
Labels: Productivity
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