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Each day
companies try to optimize everything, be more efficient and save time and resources.
People have
also shifted their behavior to try and go along with the optimization. Instead
of making a call or talking to their colleagues which are just steps away, they
usually send an email, a text or they just chat.
Because of
costs, companies have reduced air traveling and replaced it with online
conference calls or online meetings.
But if all
those changes are indeed making us more efficient and better, how is that
affecting us?
technology has made our life easier and things are done faster, we haven’t
noticed we are losing the most important part of communication: Real human
Not only because of body language, spontaneous reactions, maybe an
authentic smile and even something as simple as shaking a hand.
We are not
computers or machines. We need a joke, we need to smile, we need to listen to
others, and we need to hear about other people life stories. We need to go back
to our roots and change the hours we spend looking at a screen for hours we
spend interacting with other people.
This article called The Upside of Inefficiency from the Harvard Business Review Blog shares an interesting story
about human interaction. Sandy not only was the cause of devastation in New York, but also the opportunity for many of us to show our best parts as human
Labels: Business Tips, Efficiency, Harvard Business Review, human interaction, Optimizing, technology